

Nuestra Corporación, trabajando activamente desde el 2022 como una organización sin ánimo de lucro, constituye un sueño de largo alcance que une a profesionales de diferentes áreas de las ciencias humanas y biológicas.

Generamos un impacto social desde la investigación científica y la innovación; vemos la educación holística como un factor fundamental para erradicar la violencia social y ambiental. Reconocemos en el equilibrio personal y social un eje primordial para generar mejores relaciones ser-ser y ser-naturaleza, así conectamos la ciencia y la vida.

We create, disseminate and transfer knowledge to the environmental protection, human development, the reconstruction of the social fabric and the generation of wealth.

Eulalia Banguera Hinestroza

A Marine Biologist. M. Sc. Ph.D.

Executive Director

Ecología Marina y prospectiva estratégica

I am Eulalia, born in Cali, Valle del Cauca. Diverse mix of african, indigenous and Spanish, lover of languages, cultures and travel. I graduated as a Marine Biologist with a master's degree in Science at the University of the Valley. I finished my phd in molecular Ecology and Phylogenetics at the University of Durham (Uk), as a fellow of the programme Alban, the European Union, grant high level for Latin america.

Después de adquirir experiencia investigativa en las Universidades de Durham (Inglaterra), KAUST (Arabia Saudita) y Libre de Bruselas (Bélgica), regresé a Colombia y me vinculé al Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (MinCiencias) de Colombia. Durante mi paso por MinCiencias volví a conectarme con las regiones y sus múltiples problemáticas sociales y económicas, además adquirí la experiencia administrativa necesaria para planear estratégicamente programas y proyectos para el desarrollo. Este cambio de panorama, de lo académico a lo administrativo, me motivó a realizar la maestría en pensamiento estratégico y prospectiva en la Universidad Externado de Colombia, de la cual me gradué en el 2023 estudiando el impacto de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación (CTeI) en el desarrollo humano y en la generación de riqueza para el litoral Pacífico Colombiano al 2040.

In Colombia, I have served as a teacher casual in the Universidad del Valle, Universidad Javeriana, Universidad ICESI, and University of Cauca, where he led students of the master's degree in Bioengineering in your way as researchers. I was manager of the program of Basic Sciences of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia and act as a consultant to support private firms and businesses in the programs and projects of Science, Technology and Innovation (CTeI).

In CIMARTEC, I act as the Executive Director supported by a team of academic excellence, professional and human. Lead generation projects in biodiversity, genomics, metagenomics, and the bioeconomy blue and I am in charge of establishing national and international networks for the attraction of investments. In addition, support of the team in the design of strategies to integrate the scientific knowledge to the integral human development, from the different areas of the basic sciences and the human sciences, the transfer of knowledge of double track, the dialogue of knowledge and action research. This is in order to face the multiple challenges that limit the human and social development in Colombia, the country's competitiveness and its ability to cope with environmental challenges.



Yadira Houses Moreno

Ba Philosophy and letters. M. Sc. Ph.D.


 Educación, Diversidad y Desarrollo   Humano

I'm Yadira, a woman colombian, choco, enterprising, determined and passionate about my goals and continuous learning. After graduating in Philosophy and Letters at the Universidad de Caldas (Manizales), I undertook a master's degree in education with an emphasis in human development and values in the Externado University of Colombia. Concerned about basing my knowledge from other areas, I did a Master's degree in management and Human Resources Management at the European School of management and Business (EUDE) Real and got my phd in Pedagogical knowledge Advanced: Quality, Diversity, and Evaluation at the University Complutense of Madrid.

Thanks to my career academic, I have had the opportunity to apply concepts, methods, and procedures scientists in the field of education, and design and implement solutions to social problems in different environments, including spaces, public policy, and with actors academy. Through my participation in multidisciplinary teams, I have provided the approach of alternatives for communities to benefit from the knowledge of social and humanistic. In addition, I have contributed to the development of diagnostics, social, and provided counseling to individuals, organizations and/or entities involved in the sector Investigative, Administrative, Philosophical, Educational, Linguistic and Idiomatic.

I believe in education as a source of transformation and development, for this reason I went on and created the Technical Centre of Pretoria, the training center of the department of Chocó, which I still strengthening, and supporting adolescents in learning processes from the empowerment and strengthening of their skills in their social and cultural settings.

My career goal is to be a leader in research in the humanities and social sciences in Colombia. With this vision, in CIMARTEC I bring my experience to the generation and strengthening of processes of transformation in the communities relevant to the environment and the culture from the social sciences, the education, the cultural and creative industries and the research-creation.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yadira-casas-moreno-7571b459/?originalSubdomain=is

Jimmy Alfredo Bonilla Rivas

Marine Biologist. Cand. M. Sc.


Marine aquaculture and Economy of the Experience

I'm Jimmy Alfredo, a marine Biologist at the University Jorge Tadeo Lozano, bilingual, born in Bahía Solano and candidate master's degree in Aquaculture and Aquatic Ecology Tropical of the University of Magdalena. I am a man who trusts in the impact of knowledge in the human and economic development of regions as poverty-stricken, conflict and violence as the colombian Pacific.

After my studies I had the opportunity to get to know first-hand experiences in marine aquaculture, breeding and cultivation of fish in asian countries, particularly in China, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. After 10 years out of the country, my love for the Pacific brought me back to Bahia Solano with the aim of transferring the knowledge gained to the development of the region.

Since my return, I have actively participated in groups of inter-agency and community of small-scale fishing in the processes of government and community that led to creation of the Special Zone of Artisanal Fisheries (SPA), in addition to serving as director of the department of fisheries and aquaculture of the former Colombian Institute of Rural Development (INCODER). I am currently a contractor for the Environmental Research Institute of the Pacific (IIAP) in the area of marine aquaculture.

In CIMARTEC I am committed to the search for alternatives to the opening of spaces for research-creation, transfer of knowledge and the socio-economic development of the Pacific. Particularly, my interest is focused on the realization of projects of mariculture on a small scale as a sustainable option that allows the efficient use of resources by avoiding overfishing and the dependence of the natural resource and, at the same time that builds community cohesion in a region hit by numerous social problems and an armed conflict that has left the social fabric worn. In addition, I contribute to the strengthening of CIMARTEC and creating links with the communities in a dialogue of knowledge that build the confidence needed to undertake successful projects.

Heiber Cárdenas Henao

Biologist Geneticist. M. Sc. Ph.D.


Quantitative genetics, Microevolution and the Genetics of Populations

I am Heiber Cárdenas, biologist, geneticist of the University of Valle, m. a. in population genetics from the University of the Andes, and Doctor of Science from Universidad del Valle, Colombia. I have served as faculty of the University of the Andes, the University of Nariño and the University of Valle, in which I am a researcher in the areas of quantitative Genetics, microevolution and the genetics of populations.

I belong to the National System of Researchers since 1989, and currently I am a senior Researcher. I've published more than 50 articles in professional journals, I have advised more than 15 thesis graduate and I have participated in more than 10 research projects funded.

Like my colleagues in CIMARTEC, believe in holistic education and knowledge can transform realities, and that science plays an essential role in the generation of development and progress. So in CIMARTEC, I contribute to the construction and development of projects in Science, Technology and Innovation that will enable a greater understanding of the biodiversity, particularly of coastal and marine ecosystems of the tropical Pacific, which are in high degree of vulnerability due to the lack of knowledge and by the effects of the impacts of environmental and anthropogenic.

These projects are aimed, not only to generate innovative tools for the sustainable use of species and ecosystems, but also to the generation of alternatives, development of value added products for the generation of wealth in the regions and the country.



In CIMARTEC, we generate and transfer knowledge for the protection and responsible use of marine, coastal and terrestrial. Likewise, from the Science, Technology and Innovation "CTeI" we build strategies for human development, the regions and the empowerment of ethnic communities, farmers, rural and urban; in order to respond to the growing challenges of economic, social and environmental factors that Colombia faces.


We project as an organization of excellence that contributes to the sustainable use of biodiversity, socio-economic development and to the protection of life through the scientific research and social, in order to implement the reconstruction of the balance be-be, be-environment.


We are a multidisciplinary team passionate about our projects. We believe in honesty and commitment. We work for excellence. We respect and welcome diversity. We are committed to a more equitable society.